The objectives:
The European Association of Aerial Surveying Industries (EAASI) is an incorporated association without profitable goal registered in Brussels, Belgium. The objectives of the organisation are:
Ensure that the common interests of members are represented in national and international committees which exert influence on the members.
Advise and assist funding and executing agencies and organisations in matters concerning aerial surveying.
Promote the generation of a sustainable market for Geo-Information using aerial surveying;
Promote the use of international professional standards in the field of gathering geospatial data;
Ensure that the common interests of members are represented in national and international committees which exert influence on the members.
Provide members with information about the developments of technological knowledge;
Make users and potential users of Geo-Information aware of the benefits of aerial surveying;
Achieve a high awareness of the strategic role that aerial survey data play in the framework of digitalisation, information systems and virtual reality;
Define, maintain and promote quality, safety, ethical and business requirements for the aerial surveying industry.
Take all other actions as may be conducive to the attainment of the above objectives, such as concluding agreements, engaging personnel, hiring, leasing, buying and selling property.
EAASI founding members:
Florian Romanowski, President of OPEGIEKA and EAASI President
Simon Musäus, Vice President, Hexagon (formerly SVP Mapping, COWI)
Rachel Tidmarsh, CEO, Bluesky International, EAASI Treasurer
Giovanni Banchini, President and CEO of CGR SPA
Klaus Legat, Area Manager for Vermessung AVT
André Jadot, CEO of Eurosense
Aicke Damrau, Managing Director of GeoFly