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Season's Greetings

Dear colleagues and supporters of EAASI,

The year 2022 was full of fast-paced changes and movements in all dimensions of our World – geopolitical, economic, environmental, and societal. Our industry, however, was striving.

When we talked about global warming, one day, a friend of mine and a thoughtful physicist explained that it is not the discrete (daily) temperature rising but, more importantly, the energy in the atmosphere. A higher energy level would create more frequent, less predictable, and often more violent weather patterns. I was thinking about this as an analogy for the digitalization of today's societies.

In our World, where decisions are increasingly transferred to machines and information is used "just in time," hyperconnectivity and the speed of data flows create a higher reactivity. Important decisions are taken in fractions of seconds as monumental data, metadata, and AI-based analytics are constantly available across the World. The famous "butterfly effect" has become the default and not the exception, and our systems and societies are far from resilient against them.

Our industry is part of the chain. We create the high-resolution data required for thousands of processes. We must be fast, agile, and bold to keep up with developments and be at the front of them.

During our past partnership meeting in Rome, we had a lot of energy in the air. Energy itself is neither positive nor negative – the action that results from this energy determines our way forward.

I look forward to an energetic EAASI as a platform and catalyst for the development of our industry, which helps you stay informed, coordinate, discuss, and cooperate for the benefit of us all. Agility and cooperation make us strong and sustainable.

I wish you all a peaceful Christmas time with your loved ones and an energetic start to the New Year 2023.

Yours sincerely

Simon Musäeus

President, EAASI


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