EAASI has entered into an agreement with GWF 2022 to become an institutional partner.
As part of this agreement, EAASI has been invited to participate as a panellist in the session Partnership and Mergers: Facilitating Industry Consolidation and Market Growth (Monday 9th of May); we will be also represented by our Secretary General on the Digital Cities program (Thursday 12th of May). We will share soon more details about our participation at GWF 2022. EAASI members and observers are granted with a 25% discount passcode, please contact us (info@eaasi.eu) to know more about this options: Geospatial World Forum (GWF) is the premium geospatial industry platform that connects professionals and leaders representing the entire geospatial ecosystem. Its collaborative and interactive nature has made GWF a ‘conference of conferences’, offering unique, unmissable experience to geospatial professionals worldwide. Attended by the entire spectrum of the IT and geospatial community globally, GWF is the place to be seen, exhibit ground-breaking products and technologies, and make remarkable connections with senior decision-makers, thought leaders and innovators in the industry. GWF shall continue to facilitate collaborative engagement amongst communities, demonstrating collective and shared vision towards becoming an innovative industry.